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I need help with a chat code that I have. I got it from a friend but currently it encrypts all the chat, is there a way to get rid of the encryption? Below is the code, please DO NOT TAKE IT!


Thanks in advance!

Code removed as this is now solved.
So what exactly are you wanting to do? Sorry It's to early in the morning to be reading through it.. But what does the code do?
Sorry the code is a chat room code where you enter a display name and a "room" name, then chat. The messages are stored in a text file on my FTP server, but are currently encrypted. I need to know how to remove the encryption.
So you're wanting it to still store the messages as a .txt file but not encrypted?
Exactly. Can you help me with it?
Just remove the Encryption functions at the top & then delete any code which uses the function. I will look at it properly later on when I time
Solved! I tried that before but it didn't work, must have been doing something wrong.

>> Code removed from first post
Glad to be of help. Requested thread to be locked
Off topic,
But dubstep, your sig aint showing upTongue