Will the World Cup end with a draw?
yes. least i hope so
that would piss off alotta ppl lol
this ones 4 u eve since u know me lol
do u think im decent at graphic arts? O_O
(07-11-2010, 06:00 PM)Michaelmhmhmh Wrote: [ -> ]Are you good at coding ?
Should I buy the new iPhone? (iPhone 4)
(07-11-2010, 06:08 PM)Skill Wrote: [ -> ]No.
Should I buy the new iPhone? (iPhone 4)
no not right away
let the kinks get worked out first
do u have a pet?
No,but had an Iguana when i was a child..
Do you like,alcohol?
(07-13-2010, 01:05 PM)VeinsOfTheSun Wrote: [ -> ]No,but had an Iguana when i was a child..
Do you like,alcohol?
no i hate the taste
tho the feeling aint bad
do u think Drake is overrated?
And OP, rename the title.
Have you ever posted in this thread?
(07-13-2010, 09:37 PM)Trey Wrote: [ -> ]Just starting to post 
Mac or PC?
its gotta be a yes of no question