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Have you ever had herpes?

Do you like chocolate?

Do you listen to Gun n' Roses ?

Have you ever had diarrhoea?
Many times.

Have you or will you see annoying kids today?
(05-08-2010, 11:14 AM)Tierney Wrote: [ -> ]Many times.

Have you or will you see annoying kids today?

Have you ever written a play?
Yes, or at least I tried to.

Have you ever taken part in a play ?
(05-08-2010, 03:05 PM)Hawkins Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, or at least I tried to.

Have you ever taken part in a play ?
No... unless you mean role playing... Hehe

Are over the age of 80?
I doubt any one on this forum is.

Do you have irritating cousins who cries for nothing?

Do you have any brothers?