When writing your signature, there is a limit that disables the sig to be larger than 255 characters. This would be normally OK, however if you have a lot of links, the code of your signature becomes huge and reaches 255 characters even if the actual sig is small. For example, my own sig is almost 255 chars and I will have a problem next time I want to add another app. So, I would like that the signature space becomes larger. What do you think about that?
You'll just have to condense it down. Use TinyUrl.
Paste all your links into pastie.org, then post that link here.
If anyone cares enough, they will click.
Don't you need to ask like omni or something to get it bigger
(04-26-2010, 10:01 PM)Heli0s Wrote: [ -> ]You'll just have to condense it down. Use TinyUrl.
I had already thought about that but I don't like that solution.
(04-26-2010, 10:10 PM)daneasaur Wrote: [ -> ]Paste all your links into pastie.org, then post that link here.
If anyone cares enough, they will click.
What does this site do?
Saves whatever text you put in there.
Yeah, but you can't save links, can you? I couldn't find a way to do that.
Big signatures annoy me so I think this is a bad idea... You can use tinyURL to shorten things any way.
(I know It's a bit hypocritical saying big signatures annoy me but it's a good cause Ok

(04-27-2010, 05:40 AM)Tim Wrote: [ -> ]Big signatures annoy me so I think this is a bad idea... You can use tinyURL to shorten things any way.
(I know It's a bit hypocritical saying big signatures annoy me but it's a good cause Ok
Take a look at my sig. Is it big? It is no more than 10 words but takes up 255 chars.