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I was just looking at the 24 hour online list and I saw this:

Tierney, Rozzy, S70N3R, daneasaur, Heli0s, dunlop03, iFX, Irelandrulz2, --->Elektrisk<---, Skill, Sam, The Major, InSaNe iS BoSS, cm31, Butters, MikexNemesis14, Hatashi, Pepsi, C4Vendetta, Notorious Mental, CrushFx, SehCure, Kriminal, Howl©, J0R63, --->Elektrisk<---, BRAINI4C, Maestro, Korg, Neko-Chan, MrD., The Voice, Nyx-, timestandstill, Bloxx, Prone, saski, --([-S7N-])--, Poppins™, sTaFf CaPtAiN, Combo, Don Panzer, thanasis2028, Glas, falcon16, S0rath 0f the Black Sun, tartou2, 0x80483fb, logicfreak, MasterZuFu, Air, Kriminal, TomC, Cida, trilobyte-, JesusOfSuburbia, Glas,, ShuTdown, Ethical, Tim, Markus, wyattwic, hockeynut35, Malware Boss, darkly, GABB3R™, SkullTraill, Crust, #21, Extasey, Fallen, Eve, Treblez, Genequil, Dolphin, Toχic, Dylan, KyleIsTheBeast, Foresight, theboner, kelvincrispy, Tank, Lukas, Bill Nye, Aero, Pk3r_Pjer, v01d, Kensuga, Legym, Darc™, 41Shots, abel305, Traphikz, iTz Realiity, dgproof, Unrated, blacKjinX, syntaXeRRoR, BrainDeadFreak, JDBar, Detective RooTz, tnt996, Annuit Coeptis, mon3yexploit, «Ðartz™», uber1337, gaylechris, Omniscient, Buffy, gerald311441, Julie, Rofl, MarkW7, eXist, Prune

Is this a bug in the plugin? If you don't see it look for --->Elektrisk<---
I guess its a bug, I see Elektrisk twice in that list.
It's an intended bug. Happens if you log out and log back in.