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Full Version: Do you wear contacts, glasses, both, or neither?
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I'm supposed to wear glasses. One eye has more power than the other. When i was younger i had to wear a pirate patch to try and strengthen the weaker eye. I tried contacts but it didn't feel natural having something stuck to my eyeball, it made my eyes go bloodshot and i looked stoned all the time. I get by fine without them.
I wear Glasses but I cant notice the different without them.
i dont need them but i wear contacts... right now i have the pentagon (darpa) contacts in as seen below.. i buy alot of my contacts at 9mm

[Image: darpacontacts.jpg]
I've always thought custom contacts looked cool, but seriously, those are ridiculously expensive. Most people look stupid with fake contacts anyway.. I don't see them being worth that much money.
I wear Glasses :'(
I got bad vision sight..I wanna get contacts but my mom thinks it brings too much trouble to my eye cuz I'm always sweating/ playing outside/dirty..
I'm suppose to wear glasses, but I don't. I tried to get contacts one time, but I couldn't put them in my eyes.
Mine are non-perscription contacts. (colored ones)

And my glasses are sunglases :3
I wear glasses I can't put contacts in my eye it freaks me out lol.
I use glasses at home and contacs in public. Some times glasses in public when my allergy rises because my eyes burn when I wear contacts.. Sad
I'm getting my first pair of glasses this week, so I voted glasses Tongue
It's for distance only. Let's just say that during my eye test, I thought a Q was a 1.
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