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Full Version: Should I get an iPhone or Blackberry
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I recommend a HTC telephone. And just so you know. QWERTY is not that cool how you think it is though.
IPhone is far superior.
The keyboard on iPhone is so much easier to use.
And it has a great screen size.
It is the best phone around.
If your alternative was the Blackberry Storm I would have said Blackberry all the way, but comparing the Curve to the iPhone is like comparing a BB gun to a howitzer. The iPhone is way better, the only decision you have to make is weather to wait until June when the iPhone becomes available on Verizon (Better 3G).
Blackberry without a doubt! iPhone is annoying to text on, and Blackberry is just so much cooler!
Depends what you are using it for. I would recommend a Blackberry for a business person but iPhone for mostly entertainment. A Blackberry is more practical.
iPhone is way better then the Blackberry. Not because of the touch screen, but of the OS it's installed.
Iphone wins any other phone...
I have a Blackberry and recommend you get an iPhone.
Hello Yeye

Yup, Defiantly, iPhone is a win over all phones, it's basic, simple, millions of applications, just get one of them, i have one.

I gotta agree, iPhone blackberry makes good phones but the curve is just not quite as nice.
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