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Full Version: Suggestion - More Profile Options
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Hi there, guys. I think that more selection boxes should be added to our profile that will be available when you view someone profile. We currently have programming languages as the only custom one but I would like to propose some new additions.

Text Input Fields
  • XBox Gamer Tag
  • Steam User Name

    Selection Boxes

  • Web Skills (Heading)
    - GFX (Option)
    - Web Design (Option)
    - Plug-in Creator (Option)
    - Forum Styles/Themes Designer (Option)

  • Operating Systems (Heading)
    - Windows (option)
    - Linux (option)

  • Likes To Help In (Heading)
    - Emotional Support (Option)
    - Technical Support (Option)
    - Graphics (Option)
    - Academic Support (Option)
    - Coding (Option)
    - Web Support (Option)

    This is just a rough design of the options available, I just think a more customizable profile would look pretty cool when viewing someones profile if you can see:
  • What machine they have
  • What sections they like to provide support in
  • What they like to do e.g. Gaming, designing etc..

    Does anyone else share my view that this would look pretty cool? Or think that they would like to select options like these for their profile?


Quote:# XBox Gamer Tag

Not a good idea imo. This isn't a gaming site.

Quote:Steam User Name

Same as above.

Quote:Web Skills (Heading)

Web design and themes designer go under 'GFX'. This seems unnecessary altogether, though.

Quote:Operating Systems (Heading)

You have my support.

Quote:Likes To Help In (Heading)

Completely unnecessary imo. One would know where they like to help in by the sections they post in Tongue
Thanks for your feedback. Anyone else have any views/suggestions?
I like them all except for the gaming one. I hope this gets added!
Okay thanks, maybe the gaming one is unnecessary. But I still feel that the others could be a nice addition.

I appreciate your feedback Elektrisk, Tierny.
I think that too That Gaming is unnecessary, And the others are good
I agree with Elektrisk on this.