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Hello there fellow SF users this is going to be a start in my HTML guide series. Today I will be going through Basic HTML Format The following sub-topics are going to be covered in this first guide:
  • Basic text tags
  • Headings, line breaks, paragraphs etc...
  • Font size & colour
  • Basic image adding, including resizing

Basic Text Tags
  • Making text bold
    In-order to make text bold we will have to add the following tags before and after the passage of text:
    <b>Test Text</b>
    This will create this - Test Text

  • Making Text Underlined
    To create underlined text we have to follow the same rule; we must add tags before and after the selected text we wish to be underlined. Like so:
    <u>Test Text</u>
    This will create this - Test Text

  • Making Text Italic
    To create italic text we must follow the same rules as before, like so:
    <i>Test Text</i>
    This will create this - Test Text

  • Make text stuck out
    Again we are going to follow the same rules but we are going to change the content inside of the tags this time:
    <strike>Test Text</strike>
    This will create this - Test Text

    HTML allows us to create different sized headings using simple tags. There are five different heights of heading; five being the smallest and one being the biggest. To create a heading you must use the tags:
    <h1>Test Text</h1>
    <h2>Test Text</h2>
    <h3>Test Text</h3>
    <h4>Test Text</h4>
    <h5>Test Text</h5>
    This will create this -
    [Image: i6muc8.jpg]

    Line Breaks
    In HTML we use line breaks to separate sections of text. This is the equivalent of pressing enter in a word processor. If we want to make some text in a paragraph format with line breaks then we can use this code:
    Test Text 1<br />
    Test Text 2<br />
    Test Text 3<br />
    The <br /> in the code makes the line break. The <p> stand for the paragraph.
    This will create this -
    [Image: wtab95.jpg]

    Font Colour & Size

  • Changing Font Colour
    Changing your font colour is a really nice touch to add to your HTML page. In-order to choose your colours you need to visit this site. You should notice that each colour has a number code inside it. This is the code that will define the colour of the selected text. You should use the code like this:
    <font color="FF0000">Test Text</font>
    This will create this - Text Text

  • Changing Text Size
    With have already seen that we can change the size by using the heading codes. This is a good way if those sizes work for you. However if you want a more specific size then you can use a few commands like these:
    <big>Test Text</big>
    <small>Test Text</small>
    <font size="5">Test Text</font>
    You can replace the number in the last code snippet to edit the size.
    This will create this -
    [Image: 51i1j.jpg]

    Images & Resizing

  • Adding Images Basic
    We can add images in HTML using a simple code:
    <img src="">
    This will add any image you wish at whatever size it is.
    This will create this -
    [Image: esq3as.jpg]

  • Adding Images - Resizing
    We can resize the images to fit a certain part of a website. We do this by adding this code:
    <img src="" width="50" height="50">
    You can replace the numbers to edit the width and size (pixels)
    This will create this -
    [Image: sw92dg.jpg]

This brings a close to my first HTML guide. My next guide will be number 2 which will include starting to customize backgrounds with colours and images, also the addition of lists and basic forms to communicate with a web server.

Thanks for reading.

Notes: This guide belongs to me and I prohibited posting this elsewhere without 100% credit to me and a link to my SF profile.
Very good basic tutorial. Good job!
Thanks for your comments.
This is a great tutorial, but imo, it's bad habit to use HTML to style your text. It'd be better, to do for example:

<p>This word is <span style="font-weight: bold;">bold</span>.</p>

Great job nonetheless.
Thanks for your comments Elecktrisk.

I understand this way is better but I was just trying to lay out the basics. I will develop upon the methods in future guides.
The first thing you should do when you write an HTML tutorial is talk about:
<html> - <head> - <body>
When you achieve that, then you start talking about <b> and the likes.

Good tutorial nonetheless.
Yeh I thought about doing that but then I thought I would create a tutorial on how to structure a HTML document.
Structuring a HTML document is really easy, but can be confusing for newbies. I think you should write up a guide for structuring a HTML document. Big Grin
Yes I am going to, thanks for your feedback.
Wow it's really nice very nice TUT with most of the basics and very useful for beginners even.
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