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Full Version: Congratz Elektrisk!
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On becoming a mod. (Don't know when it happened, but bro you deserve it!)
Congratulations! Smile
Yes, congratulations Elektrisk. A pleasure to have on the team. Smile
It happened about an hour ago Tongue Good job man!
Congratulations. From what I've seen you really deserve it.
I was thinking with SF's expspansion that he was going to get it.
Thanks a lot, y'all.
Special thanks to trilobyte- and Skill for giving me advice on moderation actions, and to Omniscient for giving me the chance. I'm honored.

I won't let y'all down.
Dude you'll do great I know it. You're a good posotive mature member who reports allot and cares about SF, you are fair minded so it will be no problem for you Tongue

Gratz again man.
Gratz bro, you deserve it!
+1 on all the above.
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