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It is a credit to you that this thread is so resilient. You have taken many comments into consideration and you have used different strategies, posted here in SF, to grow your forum. It would be great if you could share what you have learned so far as a forum administrator.
Honestly there's not much I can share yet. It's still in the height of the campaign. I've learned on this:

Money buys stuff, but only temporarily. If you want members you can't just buy them. You need to have something that's going to make them want to STAY on your site. You need to offer real-world things, something that competes with other sites, sometimes of higher stature. You need to be unique. You can't be a jerk to your members, you have to think about them, not yourself or the money you're getting from the site. But you can't be a pushover either. People will try to screw you any chance they get. I had one member try to do that already, and it's been taken care of. Just goes to show that people are willing to trick and scandal you over just about anything.

What I need is members who are qualified to teach and train other members. What they need is something to make them want to stay on my site. So what can appeal to someone who's already a qualified computer techie in his/her field? That's what I'm trying to figure out and work on. I've implemented everything I can think of so far on the forum. I think the biggest plus was the paid to register site. Granted most of the members won't stay, unfortunately because they want the money for posting and that's it. I need something more enticing, something to draw them in, and something to make them want to stay and contribute. And I think the only person who can offer that kind of thought, is me myself and I. I'll figure something up, it's gonna take a lot of work and effort, maybe even some money that I really just don't have.

I guess as far as being a member administrator/moderator, you have to be nice and caring. You can't be ruthless and judgmental. While at the same time you have to draw the line. At the moment the only reason I'm so insanely strict right now on my site is because as far as I can see, this is a business campaign. I've paid for them to post. I didn't pay for them to spam and to steal. Therefore I'm going to make them hold up the end of their partnership. I'm lenient. If they're a good member I'm even more lenient. But someone who just wants to steal money from me, they can an insta-ban and their PTR admin contacted.

After the campaign is over a great deal of the regulations i put in place to mitigate the spam index will be turned off. Post count will return to the first tab with the exception of a few forums. I'm urging and pushing my moderators to post MORE MORE MORE and to be more interactive with the members. Unfortunately that task is "really" up to me. I lead the example and I am the guy to look at on the site. I am the front man and I must remember that, even for my staff members.
(05-04-2010, 04:26 PM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]You can't be a jerk to your members, you have to think about them, not yourself or the money you're getting from the site. But you can't be a pushover either. People will try to screw you any chance they get.

Personally, there is something about online interaction that I find more brutal compared to RL. Maybe it is because I am interacting with people I otherwise would not, but it does sound like a different set of ethics is in play.

(05-04-2010, 04:26 PM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]I need something more enticing, something to draw them in, and something to make them want to stay and contribute.

I don't understand the formula either. There are professional security sites with really knowledgeable content that attract me because I learn from them, however they lack activity for reasons I am unaware of. Then there are sites like /b/ with incredible traffic but pointless content.

(05-04-2010, 04:26 PM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]I lead the example and I am the guy to look at on the site.

I agree with you that moderators and members look to the administrator as an example to follow. The enormity of the task is that the forum administrator and moderators influence the kind of community that eventually develops, and vice-versa. Ethics, attitudes, post quality, topics, etc. Forums like /b/ are not democratic, they are anarchy based on the lowest common denominators to suit their content. The converse of that is the focused, on-topic forum, where leadership is evident.
Thanks Eve Smile I'm still trying to iron out some ideas. I really need a custom theme or something like that...i think. I'm not too sure if I really "need" a custom theme. A custom logo would be great. The one I have is "ok" but it's not cutting it. It's not attractive enough for me and my tasts.
Hmm, I like it. The domain is a bit long, though.
Update: Fixed the "Email This Thread" link at the bottom of all pages, got a new administrator and one more moderator (moderator and administrator applications will no longer be accepted until needed). Right now I need some good things to get members to post. It's been really quiet for a week and a half and hardly anyone has been posting. Any suggestions anyone?

I just got two more domain names, both of which redirect to my site, this should make it easier for you guys who don't like the long url:

(05-06-2010, 03:34 AM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]www.noitsnot.thanks

Hahahaha. I'm sorry, but i have to agree with timestandstill - the domain is a little long.
(05-20-2010, 07:01 AM)SkeetMads Wrote: [ -> ]Hahahaha. I'm sorry, but i have to agree with timestandstill - the domain is a little long.

Oh well, i lightened the load with two shorter domains.

we're transferring our domain to a new host. if you're unable to access the site at, try accessing it from:

That will take you to the board that's open and functional, everyone please go there.
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