He means he hasn't advertised it outside of IRC.
(10-04-2009, 03:35 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]Support Forums has some basic rules that we want all members to follow.
1. No cross posting.
2. No double posting.
3. Do not flame or harrass other members.
4. Do not send unsolicited private messages.
5. Post topics in their correct forum category.
6. No warez posting.
7. No illegal posts involving fraud.
8. Signature images can be no larger than 650x200 pixels and 500k size. Animated gifs should not be annoying.
9. Reputations should not be abused. Don't use them to flame members.
10. Privacy is to be respected. No posting of PMs or personal data of other members.
11. No advertising of similar sites in PM, posts, or profiles.
If you see a rule violation please use the "report" button that's on each post. A staff member will quickly deal with the situation as quick as possible.
There should be another rule.
"Try to speak with correct grammar & correct punctuation"
glad to see you are starting a new community.
Will adhere to.
Awesome site to see
This is a pretty cool site, is there going to be an option for purchasing "SF l33t" of some sort?
Is a torrent of windows 7 considered warez?
(10-04-2009, 08:15 PM)mynameis940 Wrote: [ -> ]Is a torrent of windows 7 considered warez?
Yes, as it's not a legal way of obtaining a copy.
Quote:"Try to speak with correct grammar & correct punctuation"
This seems unjust in my opinion. I speak Swedish as a second language, and hate being targetted for being grammatically incorrect. English is certainly not simple grammar wise, and while it'd be nice if everyone spoke properly (including correct punctuation and capitalization), the truth is that even some native speakers of English aren't understandable.
He didn't say you have to be perfect. But, he doesn't want things that no one can understand.
(10-04-2009, 08:43 PM)Alex Wrote: [ -> ]He didn't say you have to be perfect. But, he doesn't want things that no one can understand.
Yes, I understand, but very rarely do you see a post that is simply incomprehensible. If such a post is posted, then one can simply report it. My point is, people aren't going to intentionally post incomprehensibly.