I think that this rules are good. I think they are same like on HF.
I am a new member here and read all the rules and i will follow them during my stay at SF
Include "Piracy is not allowed" in Rules [New Members Please Read]
Good rules,
I agree with every one of them.
Hi, Omniscient.
I promise to obide all rules.
White Hat.
We need a staff member list.
What is a site without rules? It is always good to have rules to be read. This means there will be absolutely no excuse for doing something that Omni doesn't like. Because he will find you.
(10-04-2009, 03:35 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]Support Forums has some basic rules that we want all members to follow.
1. No cross posting.
2. No double posting.
3. Do not flame or harass other members.
4. Do not send unsolicited private messages.
5. Post topics in their correct forum category. Read each category before you begin making threads.
6. No warez posting.
7. No illegal posts involving fraud, hacking tutorials or other harmful illegal activity. This includes linking to sites with such content.
8. Signature images can be no larger than 650x200 pixels and 500k size. Animated gifs should not be annoying.
9. Reputations should not be abused. Don't use them to flame members. 100 posts are required to give rep.
10. Privacy is to be respected. No posting of PMs or personal data of other members.
11. No advertising of similar sites in PM, posts, or profiles.
12. No leeching without credit.
13. No adult image posting.
14. English only and proper grammar required. Sorry but we will not allow posts in any language other than english and we expect good grammar.
15. All referral and affiliate link posts must be within the "Referrals Posting" subforum under "Making Money Online".
16. Only one account per person. Multiple accounts will result in closing of all accounts. Ban circumenvention will result in permanent ban of your accounts.
If you see a rule violation please use the "report" button that's on each post. A staff member will quickly deal with the situation as quick as possible.
Well, I know that on hackforums.net you are not aloud to use phishing programs. I don't see anything in the rules on this site about them. Did you forget to put it in? Or are you aloud to use them on here?
Great rules, Omni.
I'll be sure to stick to them