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Yes, but that doesn't mean that YOU are the original author. Here is another site with the list, and it was posted by a super moderator of that forum, which I doubt you own or moderate. I just hate it when people leech content and claim it as their own.
Spreading Info is good of it is good
(10-08-2009, 12:07 PM)Sp33D Wrote: [ -> ]Spreading Info is good of it is good

Yeah, but all Elektrisk is saying is that it's best to quote a source, if the work may not be your own.

Because if you get into the habit of doing this, then there will be those who will accuse you of leeching.

Maybe that was not your intention, but it's just a suggestion to make things a little clearer from the get-go.
this is nice.....good share man!!
Thanks a lot, I needed some of them!
Now that makes a big difference, crediting even to an unknown source. Well done!
Nice list, thanks for the info...
Thanks man!
It helps.
Thanks for this list, sure to be used.
What about control userpasswords2, which I believe allows you to view and edit useraccounts by changing their passwords and adding/deleting useraccounts.
I like it. Thanks for this.
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