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Full Version: When is the feather award done?
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I have somethings i'd like to post, and i won't post it until most of the crap is gone. So is there a set date, or should i just find somewhere else?
Don't think their is any intent to stop giving the feather award. It's how the majority of users are generated tbh.
The spam of the feather award has reduced. They're being banned and soon the message will become clear that you have to earn it. You may as well post here because active members will reply and mature discussions still take place.

The staff are cracking down tight so don't worry.
You mean spam like, posting random things that don't involve an active conversation?
Spam is really like people who may reply to a thread like "Cheers, good post." but then just replying like this without reading it and doing it multiple times to raise post count.
Its not just that, its a feeling of calming quietness and general understanding between a community. Imho for a forum a sudden rush isn't a bad thing. For a tight nit community *We were pretty close to eachother* its a terrible things, and many of those comforting people leave. And a lot of people here, i'd rather not even see :/