first go here
take a deep breath relax and think about the fun times youve had
third Live 14 like no tommorow cuz your 14 once and im 14 and i do tho have non divorced parents
but i always think what if they were divorced just think positive Hatashi i do feel sorry for you
and im not trying to be mean but you cant live your life feeling sorry about you or your mom or your dad you just cant and you wont be happy ok
Hope this helps
(04-14-2010, 10:01 AM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]Hatashi,
Your mother is blinded by love and there is nothing you can do about that. She will wake up one day.
As for you, you must realise that there are many children who do not have fathers. I know plenty myself. Do not think that you are the only one. You have four years until you can leave that place. Just tough it out. I realise that is not the best advice, but what can I say? You are clearly stressed, as you should be. Only time can help you, bud.
Having no father isn't always a bad thing. My bestfriend has no father, I mean he has 1, but never really spoke with him. And he doesn't feel bad about it or anything.
(04-14-2010, 12:04 PM)Uchiha Sasuke Wrote: [ -> ]Having no father isn't always a bad thing. My bestfriend has no father, I mean he has 1, but never really spoke with him. And he doesn't feel bad about it or anything.
I would be better of without that stupid ignorant fudge.
I would just express your anger by talking about it with your mom. I'm basically in the same situation, and I talk a bunch of crap about him with my Mom. It helps, trust me.
Make him piss your mom so much that she divorces her.
Pretty much the only thing you can do.
I feel really sorry for you bro... Even as I was reading, the only suggestion that came into my mind was all those that was discussed by the others here...
If I where you, I would talk to my mom... Tell her straight how you feel about your dad... If you feel shy or uneasy about it, just tell her that you want her to read something, and bring her to this thread... Let her read how you feel about your dad..
Also, try to assist you mom in her daily chores.. Make her feel that you care about her more than your dad does... Whatever you do, do not be violent about the situation, or you'll be the looser... Be calm, polite, and emotional with family sentiments when you approach her about this situation (if you get violent about it, your words might backfire upon you since she is soo soo blinded by love ATM)...
I hope all works out well for you...
Brainwash your mother
or coat her with flowers
Oh, what a stupid dad. I think maybe u should revile him a bit, maybe then he understand, that he will need to do something too. And talk with mum.
If your parents divorced when you were 2 and your mom didn't remarry until you were 11, sounds to me like she was probably very lonely for many years.
Just because some guy marries your mom doesn't automatically mean that he has any idea of how to be a parent. Does he have any kids of his own? Maybe the reason he doesn't pay much attention to you or do anything with you is because he's been given the feeling that you're not interested and don't want him to? I don't know how much time I'd want to spend with someone who considered me to be a "stupid ignorant fudge." People who think that about me, I ignore or avoid at all costs.
If you do want him to act more like a dad, I'd recommend you make the first step and ask if he'll do something with you. You might be surprised.
If not, oh well. Your choice!
On a personal note, my parents divorced when I was somewhere around 11 or 12, can't really remember, and in fact, they did it so quietly and gradually that I don't even remember him actually moving out and leaving.
They both did remarry while we were all in our teens, and really liked both our stepparents, and really glad my dad had 2 more children--our half-siblings are great! Well, my stepmom kind of went whacky, and my dad ended up divorcing her because he wasn't about to move to Jerusalem with her and the cult she joined that decided she was the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, but aside from that, she was very entertaining. Our mom divorced our stepdad when he started drinking too much, but he was still a pretty nice and we still see him every so often.
It's a 2 way street. You both have to be willing to make compromises and meet somewhere in the midde. If that's not possible, well, you're 14, so only 4 years to go. You can start the!
BTW, why doesn't he work? Did he get laid off? Is he disabled and on disability? Or is he just lazy?
If he's home all day, why does your mom take your brother to daycare instead of having him watch him?
You need to approach him about this and talk to him and tell him how you feel. If he gets pissed thats his problem. Just let him know he is a lazy fudge ;)!