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Full Version: What is your hacker nickname?? CHECK
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IP bu5t0r

It's funny because I see all IP's. :|
I'm 2-D

Hardly visit HF anymore.
AcE nuk3r

Appropriate seeing as nuke all the time in MW2
b1t phr34k
My NickName

IP dA3m0n .
Mines is netw0rk burn3r
nofear1999 tonight you will log in
and hack under the name of

phire sn1ff3r
Rens tonight you will log in
and hack under the name of

eSC AvAtAr
When i enter my first and last name I'm phire w1zArd
and when i enter my middle name I'm AcE g33k
when i used Mute I'm bl00dy ph3wl

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