Yeah I can't wait, keeps getting pushed back and it's starting to piss me off. :@
(10-08-2009, 07:54 AM)TeeCp Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I can't wait, keeps getting pushed back and it's starting to piss me off. :@
Same here, but I'll still wait. I love D2 too.
Blizz just wants to make more money with those other shitty games that I don't even like.
I still play D2 and if they are going to make D3 a paid subscription service I am going to be seriously pissed off!!!!
(10-08-2009, 08:17 AM)Guerreiro Wrote: [ -> ]I still play D2 and if they are going to make D3 a paid subscription service I am going to be seriously pissed off!!!!
Who told you about this?
Seriously I'd be pissed off to, but i'll still buy it!
I think they might make it pay-able because well people will pay for it nonetheless i will still play it, looks epic. But release dates wise ugh you can never trust blizzard they will always push it back a year or 2.
Yeah, they're working on Starcraft and WoW..
I played diablo 2 for about four years+ and most likely will be playing diablo 3 for a long time also. Probably will quit WoW for it heh.
(10-08-2009, 10:14 AM)Lateralus Wrote: [ -> ]I played diablo 2 for about four years+ and most likely will be playing diablo 3 for a long time also. Probably will quit WoW for it heh.
Heh, I played Diablo 1 when I was 7, and I still have the CD and I played Diablo 2 when I was 10.
Yea the diablo games are good, can't wait for 3.