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(04-12-2010, 06:33 PM)41Shots Wrote: [ -> ]I was like WAOH! And he was like WOAAAH. And your like?

Fallenour; Why are you being flamed about your sexuality? Smile.
Fallenour If Justin timberlate came over, and kissed you.
What would you do


how many pokemons did you catch with your first gameboy?
How many gameboys do you own?
(04-13-2010, 08:49 AM)Poppins™ Wrote: [ -> ]Fallenour; Why are you being flamed about your sexuality? Smile.

I dont think im being flamed about my sexuality poppins, ive noticed that a lot of people are bi, more than are straight from the last thread I saw.
(04-13-2010, 05:58 PM)#21 Wrote: [ -> ]How many gameboys do you own?

I think I have 2.
(04-13-2010, 05:54 PM)Skaper Wrote: [ -> ]how many pokemons did you catch with your first gameboy?

I never really focused on catching pokemon, I went after a select few, and killed everything else.
Do you love me?
why didnt you answer 1337Inj3ct0r?
How old are you?
And what made you join SF?
Did you make this thread because you saw Hockeynut do it?
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