Marijuana, weed, mj, etc. We know what it is, probably everyone in this forum has smoked/ate (brownies) weed. How bad is it, really? I want this to be a real discussion thread;
I'm turning 14 on Monday and I've been smoking weed since about 6 months ago. I started off slowly, like about once or twice a week maximum, then it depended on how much I had available. I was smoking about three times a week to once a day - it really just depended on my quantity. What should I do? It's not really affecting me too much - I'm still doing good in school, I do (some of) my homework (dirty LA school), my social life is fine, and etc; the subject's just troubling me a lot. I'm 5'8, have a post-puberty based voice, and don't look like a pothead. Any thoughts?
I just smoke weed on weekends.
If it's not affecting you in school or anything then what's the problem?
(04-11-2010, 12:37 PM)peek Wrote: [ -> ]I just smoke weed on weekends.
If it's not affecting you in school or anything then what's the problem?
Getting caught - parents won't leave me alone now. I can't have a social life - when school ends, my parents pick me up immediately. If I have to stay at school longer for something, they always bug me about it and ask wtf it is. They don't care that I cuss or anything, I guess they don't want me to end up like my high-school dropout sister.
Weed isn't that bad, the US Government banned it from the US because of greedy drug lords..
(04-11-2010, 12:39 PM)x3rminate Wrote: [ -> ]Getting caught - parents won't leave me alone now. I can't have a social life - when school ends, my parents pick me up immediately. If I have to stay at school longer for something, they always bug me about it and ask wtf it is. They don't care that I cuss or anything, I guess they don't want me to end up like my high-school dropout sister.
I don't know what to tell ya... Seems like there on your jock 24/7.
Weed is sweet.
Non the less, I dont smoke often but when I smoke, I smoke lots.
Its expensive here, have done only 2 times. But seems you have some family problems too.
Try talking to your parents, so they could give you more space. Everything isn't about learning.
You have to enjoy your childhood aswell.
is not that bad :=) i guss
(04-11-2010, 12:40 PM)ţąŋņęŗžịọņ™ Wrote: [ -> ]Weed isn't that bad, the US Government banned it from the US because of greedy drug lords..
I thought it's because they can't tax it? Explain furthermore, please?
(04-11-2010, 12:42 PM)peek Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know what to tell ya... Seems like there on your jock 24/7.
YES, they are. I've actually gotten used to it. They don't care if I don't have a social life - they want me to learn. Learn, learn, learn. 'Friends'? No.
I've talked to them multiple times - my dad tries always to blame things on other people and not onto himself. He thinks he's like god or something, while he owns a failing store and works from midnight - 12pm just to earn halfway equivalent to what my mom earns. It's funny, because my mom always agrees with my dad. I hate my parents.
I would smoke it but here are some reason why I don't.
Turns your finger tips yellow.
Makes your eyes beat red.
Gets you sick.
You could die if giving the wrong kind.
And last but not least, you can die.