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Full Version: Joke to cheer all the sad people up
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Ok so there is this kid named johny and there in school and the teacher said if you answer these questions right you get to leave

So the teacher first asked "Who was the first black spokesman to get Assinated"
Johny new this one so he raised his hand but the teacher picked this little girl in the front row and she answered the question right and got to leave
johny was mad now
Second Question the teacher asked was "who yelled The british are coming The British are coming"
Johny Kneww this one he threw his hand up
but again the teacher picked another little girl and she answered it right and got to leave
Johny Was furious and said "I wished these stupid bitches would just shut up"
The Teacher was like "Who said that?"
Johny said "Tiger Woods Can i leave now"


Nice joke. I love all of these Tiger jokes that have been going around, their quite funny.
(04-10-2010, 09:29 AM)Shadow Soul Wrote: [ -> ]Haha.

Nice joke. I love all of these Tiger jokes that have been going around, their quite funny.

lol ya thank you one of my dads friends told me this
haha i LOL i liked IT Smile
Lol its funny.It really made me laugh Tongue
Haha, it was a good joke Tongue.
Yea, it was a very good joke.
Hehe I seem to be a comedian lol well happy for the sads Smile
Good job. Hey, I'm your father. See my subname?
lol thats pretty funny XD
Pages: 1 2