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Full Version: Are You HJT helper ?
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Title says it all
Hi, Mr.Kewl.

I'm inbetween Yes and No. Perhaps you could add a third option for HJT Trainees.

Malware Boss
I'm currenttly studying the way of the white hat.
(04-10-2010, 08:43 PM)hockeynut35 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm currenttly studying the way of the white hat.

Same thing with me. I want to be a HJT helper though!
Hi, everyone.

If you're interested in joining a HJT Training Program, will take you all on board.

Malware Boss
(04-10-2010, 09:31 PM)Malware Boss Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, everyone.

If you're interested in joining a HJT Training Program, will take you all on board.

Malware Boss

Thanks Malware Boss!

I will look into this Smile.
Yes, because i hate hijackers.
Nope, I want to be, though.
Hello, Mr.Kewl.

I'm thinking about becoming one, but I'm going to wait a bit.

I'm currently in Infectuous group, hopefully it becomes a official group/community.

(04-10-2010, 07:14 AM)Malware Boss Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, Mr.Kewl.

I'm inbetween Yes and No. Perhaps you could add a third option for HJT Trainees.

Malware Boss

Is that a canned speech?
Pages: 1 2