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I have seen a few people say that things like Crypters and keyloggers and things like that are used for illegal purposes...I do not condone in the use of them. I myself am not a "hacker." I would just like to clarify what they were meant to be used for, but ended up being twisted by "hackers."

Crypters - A crypter was originally meant to encrypt a program to keep it from being cracked by competing companies as well as to hide personal information while it was being transfered.
It has become something used for hiding a virus from anti viruses, but usually ends up failing after a short while due to samples being submitted to the anti-virus companies. It is not illegal to use or possess a crypter.

Key/Screen logger - A Key logger and Screen logger were originally meant to be used to keep track of employees of companies. It was meant to make sure they were not going to website they were not supposed to while on the job, along with sending emails and information they were not supposed.
They have become tools for stealing others information obviously, but is still used by larger companies to monitor their employees. It is legal to use a key logger as long as no personal information is stolen and used or distributed.

RAT's or Remote Administration Tools (Commonly known as Trojans.) - These were also meant to be used by larger companies. If a larger company had a file they needed to distribute they would use this to distribute it to all of their employees without having to worry about if all employees saw the file or not. It is legal to use and possess a "RAT" as long as you are not stealing and using/distributing stolen information.
Thats a very good point, and very true, most software wasnt intended for malicious intent, it was just misused.
People have the tendency to find more selfish purposes in things. Most people are like that.
Thanks for posting this mate. I'm sure this will give people a better understanding.
Very easy to understand,thanks.