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Do you ever find yourself raging while playing video games. COD MW2 pisses me of more then it entertains me I think. When I'm doing bad I tend to get really frustrated. Do any of you find yourselves becoming mad while playing video games? If so what games?
yes ALOT its like you feel like you get a high Killstreak and you will freak out when you dont get an AC130 happens all the time
(04-09-2010, 11:28 AM)OpTiC PrEdAtOr Wrote: [ -> ]yes ALOT its like you feel like you get a high Killstreak and you will freak out when you dont get an AC130 happens all the time

I know is annoys me so much...Sleep
I nerdrage hardcore when im sniping, and I miss D8, i hate missing, especially since I can hit something really tiny, but I miss when their HUGE, I wanna bash the screen with my controller
I only get mad at Halo 3, but it's when I'm going for clips and I get BS'd or I die. I just turned off my Xbox ten minutes ago because I got mad Tongue.
When you get mad at video games all you have to do is screen at the little kids in the gameXD
Like its a stress release playing video games and raging at kids
Its better then going to the bar and raging at the Bouncer Tongue
And then it really pisses me off when there like its just a game....O crap .. its a 60 dollar disk that is far from hackproof,modproof,and fair as possible that i spent my money on

its not a game...its a passion
(04-09-2010, 11:45 AM)Silver Wrote: [ -> ]I only get mad at Halo 3, but it's when I'm going for clips and I get BS'd or I die. I just turned off my Xbox ten minutes ago because I got mad Tongue.

Same here Wacko
(04-09-2010, 11:51 AM)hockeynut35 Wrote: [ -> ]Same here Wacko

thats the good thing i dont play halo i dont see a fun in shooting 40 shots to kill someone
(04-09-2010, 11:51 AM)hockeynut35 Wrote: [ -> ]Same here Wacko

Haha. Personally, I just play Halo 3 for clips, I haven't actually been on my main account on Halo, in over a month now. I just play on one months in MLG and social playlists Smile.
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