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Yeah, i tend to get annoyed when i get killed a lot. Sad
ya just recently ive noticed myself freakout but it was for a good reason when i rage i make it funny

like i raged and there like calm down its just a game (everyone says it)

so i reply back


lol also i hate the hackers beginning of a Search and Destroy a Guy gets 1 kill he is only one

He calls in a AC130

Next round he had 7 kills cause AC130 he calls a EMP

and Next game he had no kills and nuked us...
(04-12-2010, 11:57 AM)OpTiC PrEdAtOr Wrote: [ -> ]ya just recently ive noticed myself freakout but it was for a good reason when i rage i make it funny

like i raged and there like calm down its just a game (everyone says it)

so i reply back


lol also i hate the hackers beginning of a Search and Destroy a Guy gets 1 kill he is only one

He calls in a AC130

Next round he had 7 kills cause AC130 he calls a EMP

and Next game he had no kills and nuked us...

Pro modder right their...
In Halo 3, when my moronic teammates just jump and down the whole game.. although it is funny sometimes.

In this text-MMO that I play, when the fuckin.g healers don't know what they are doing and let all the warriors die because they forgot how to cast a simple spell. Or moronic thieves, when they aren't fast enough to backstab. Only MreGSX will understand what I mean >.<
I FREAK out when I'm playing MLG in Halo, and there is someone that is doing so terrible you lose. Especially high 45-50 levels. Ugh, I'm getting mad just thinking about it.
I just get really pissed if someone is killing me and talking crap... That makes me rage.

(04-09-2010, 10:43 PM)Avery Wrote: [ -> ]Grrr Warcraft, Used to love that game till I got into Starcraft when I was younger Tongue, confusing and challenging game.

i really never played warcraft although i did play world of warcraft til someone hacked my account and there recovery sucks
(04-19-2010, 11:30 AM)Emotionz Wrote: [ -> ]i really never played warcraft although i did play world of warcraft til someone hacked my account and there recovery sucks

How does it suck? Either use the SQ/As on, or just call WoW and give them your CC / bank number / PP transaction ID and they will give you the account back.
(04-19-2010, 11:48 AM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]How does it suck? Either use the SQ/As on, or just call WoW and give them your CC / bank number / PP transaction ID and they will give you the account back.

this kid tho changed password

i know sounds simple buttt its been banned so many times i need to mail in this weird slip and im not 18 so my account is gone
I don't rage, since I never die.
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