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(04-11-2010, 04:38 PM)Sparky Wrote: [ -> ]I used to while playing Halo 3, not anymore though.

Yea Halo 3 always pissed me off when I played.
What annoys me the most is when you obviously shot someone first on Modern Warfare 2, then they kill you, you watch the Kill-Cam and you didn't even shot at them. I mean what's that all about? >.<
(04-12-2010, 04:38 AM)Mem Wrote: [ -> ]What annoys me the most is when you obviously shot someone first on Modern Warfare 2, then they kill you, you watch the Kill-Cam and you didn't even shot at them. I mean what's that all about? >.<

I get really mad when like noobtoobs, rpg's and javelin's kill me while I'm on a spree.
(04-12-2010, 04:40 AM)hockeynut35 Wrote: [ -> ]I get really mad when like noobtoobs, rpg's and javelin's kill me while I'm on a spree.

I know right.

The killstreaks are so overpowered. Even a 12 year old can get a bjillion kills with a copper Gunner. >.>
(04-12-2010, 04:43 AM)Mem Wrote: [ -> ]I know right.

The killstreaks are so overpowered. Even a 12 year old can get a bjillion kills with a copper Gunner. >.>

Yesterday I got a Nuke with just a predator. I was spawn camping with an AA12, claymores and scavenger and didn''t even have time to use the gunner or I would have been raped 0.0.
(04-12-2010, 04:46 AM)hockeynut35 Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday I got a Nuke with just a predator. I was spawn camping with an AA12, claymores and scavenger and didn''t even have time to use the gunner or I would have been raped 0.0.

I hate the AA12. It's so cheap. It's worse than Barrett spam.
(04-12-2010, 04:50 AM)Mem Wrote: [ -> ]I hate the AA12. It's so cheap. It's worse than Barrett spam.

Funny, I was using the .50 cal and ran out of ammo before the AA12.
Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2 annoys me so much! The thing I hate is when something gets tense and I stand up and get closer to the TV and Rage!
Yeah, especially with noobtubes. :S You get like a 24 killstreak and some random guy just shoots a grenade with danger close within 50 metres of you and you die. :/
(04-12-2010, 11:27 AM)Goldsound Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, especially with noobtubes. :S You get like a 24 killstreak and some random guy just shoots a grenade with danger close within 50 metres of you and you die. :/
That's the worse
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