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Paypal is ridiculous. They are too secure.

I mean the only reason why people use it is because its the most common method.

And yes paypal does lie cheat, and steal.
(04-08-2010, 03:07 PM)iFuck Wrote: [ -> ]Paypal is ridiculous. They are too secure.

I mean the only reason why people use it is because its the most common method.

And yes paypal does lie cheat, and steal.

You basically said everything that sums up paypal, lol.
It is only used because of its popularity I believe, but it does have a few good things.

The limitation issue is a HUGE problem ! I also despise it.

I love Paypal, I hate Paypal.

I use paypal. (Only choice)
(04-09-2010, 07:09 PM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]

That's nice.
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