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Full Version: i joined! now where muh award?!?
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lol another forum that makes 4! hope i am welcome here atleast Huh
Please don't say "muh". It makes you appear unintelligent.
Please do not make these extremely low quality posts.
Why is your title "I joined now where muh award?!?!"

You do not get an award for joining, you get an award for 100 high quality post, if you came to just get the small feather graphic, then at least do it over time, helping with what you can, making legitimate post etc.
(04-06-2010, 08:49 PM)Hell Kaiser Wrote: [ -> ]lol another forum that makes 4! hope i am welcome here atleast Huh

If you're going to be like that, you're not welcome here.
Account closed.

Why am I not surprised...?
(04-06-2010, 07:14 PM)Elektrisk Wrote: [ -> ]The iPod (nano, at least) would be great if iTunes weren't the worst application developed of the 2000s.

He was banned. I think -trilobyte is getting really mad at the HF immigrants like my self.
(04-07-2010, 01:08 AM)Pokémon Wrote: [ -> ]He was banned. I think -trilobyte is getting really mad at the HF immigrants like my self.

Damn right I am. Not so much mad; just irritated by their spamming. Smile