(05-29-2010, 05:11 PM)RTM xBEASTx Wrote: [ -> ]Garrys mod is my favorite.
Counter strike: source is really good aswell.
I still don't know how to play garry's mod
Counter strike source. But I'm not very good at it.
do you mean Valve games or games you can get via Steam?
If you mean Valve games the GMod (i no its not made by valve but its as good as)
If you mean games you can get on Steam then DarkSiders (will be on sale later this month)
Team Fortress is not worth it!
It's boring, you'll like it for like 10 minutes.
I bought it and it was waste of money.
I like plenty of Steam games, but the ones I mainly play are HL2
M, CS:S, and TF2.
Counter Stike: Source Easily
Left 4 Dead 2 - Awesome Shooting Game Really!
I like the Left 4 Dead series. 1 and 2 are very good and I've beaten them both and still play. I would recommend them to anyone.
Orange Box