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Halo 3 is more skill, br and snipes is fun and all MLG
I think that Modern Warfare 2 is better for a few reasons. I love the weapons, great graphics, and other stuff like that.
Yeah, but COD is for people with fast reaction, no skill.

Halo 3, you'll need consistency in shots, to get a kill, as I've said earlier, COD needs one pull of the trigger most of the times.
I prefer MW2, I was never really into Halo, just because of my style of gameplay.
Its more like the person your playing put a player from halo to cod odds are they are going to be pretty good because they are smart and have good reaction time both you need in halo in cod you also need that but in cod there is not that much auto aim i personly like halo but im getting into COD
My dad has an Xbox but never lets me touch it. From about the time I played Halo 3 and from me playing MW2 which I play a lot on my PS3, I will say MW2. Halo 3 seems unrealistic to me.
It shouldnt be a problem with who shoots first on MW2. If you have a crap connection, dont play!
I don't play either but I would say Halo 3 is better because it is more fun to play online Smile.
You're correct, Halo takes WAY more skill than CoD.
CoD is a lot better than Halo but i don't like either.
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