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Make Boolean build in Visual Basic

Tutorial By: Soul Collector

Hello everyone.

This was tutorial was first for alliance .. but i lots of people asking me on msn how to use my keyloggers builder .. but they are not in alliane . So they are not able to check out this thread .. soz alliance i'll make new tut for only you and it will stay private, now lets start .. enjoy!


Open Visual Basic .NET Click File > New Project > Windows Application > Name it Builder > Ok button

From the Toolbox bar drag:

CheckBox1 - Checking did we checked this, it will be showed in builded file.
TextBox1 - Some text
Button1 - Build button

On top of our code write:

Imports System.IO

Under the Public Class Form1 write:

Dim stub, text1 As String
    Dim cb As Boolean
    Const Filesplit = "@BooleanBuilder@"

Double Click Button1 and write:

text1 = TextBox1.Text
        'Open the Stub
        FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\Stub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Default)
        stub = Space(LOF(1))

        'Get the file
        FileGet(1, stub)

        'Close the file

        If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
            cb = True
        Else : cb = False
        End If

        'If the builded file have the same name, then replace with new builded one.
        If File.Exists("Boolean.exe") Then
        End If
        'Open the file
    FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\Boolean.exe.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)

        'Put the informations
        FilePut(1, stub & Filesplit & text1 & Filesplit & cb & Filesplit)

        'Close the file

        MsgBox("The boolean builder did the job, I guess this will help you!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Boolean Builder")

[Image: mhu69i.png]

How this works?

This is our import:
Imports System.IO

This is string for TextBox1 and Stub, which we use to tell program to add the Builder Textbox1.Text in Stub:
Dim stub, text1 As String

This is Boolean declaration for our builder:
Dim cb As Boolean

This is file split which will split our builders informations with stub:
Const Filesplit = "@BooleanBuilder@"

This open stub and then the process start's:

FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\Stub.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Default)

This get the stub:
FileGet(1, stub)

This close the stub:


This check is it our checkbox checked and add it to our stub so we can see did we checked it:

If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
            cb = True
        Else : cb = False
        End If

This check is it file already builded and if it is then it replace with new, builded one:
If File.Exists("Boolean.exe") Then
        End If

This build the file:
FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "\Boolean.exe.exe", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.Default)

This put the split's in the files:
FilePut(1, stub & Filesplit & text1 & Filesplit & cb & Filesplit)

And finnaly this close the file:

This show the user that, the file is builded via messagebox:
MsgBox("The boolean builder did the job, I guess this will help you!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Boolean Builder")


Open Visual Basic .NET Click File > New Project > Windows Application > Name it Stub Ok button

From the Toolbox bar drag:

Label1 - This is just some text with question "Did you checked me?"
Label2 - This is answer and put text for now "None" it will be changed when we build so dont worry
Textbox1 - This just added to explane you how to add text too.

Add this under Public Class Form1:

Dim options(), text1, cb As String
    Const Filesplit = "@BooleanBuilder@"

Now double click the Form1 and write code:

FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Shared)

        text1 = Space(LOF(1))
        cb = Space(LOF(1))

        FileGet(1, text1) 'options(1) - Text
        FileGet(1, cb) 'options(2) - Label


        options = Split(text1, FileSplit)
        TextBox1.Text = options(1)
       If options(2) = False Then
            Label2.Text = "No"
        Else : Label2.Text = "Yes"
        End If


[color=#FF1493][b]How this works?[/b][/color][/size]

[color=#FF4500]This is our stirng with options and[b] text1[/b] is text from the [b]Builder[/b]:[/color]
[code]Dim options(), text1, cb As String

This one opens the file:
FileOpen(1, Application.ExecutablePath, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.Shared)

This one gets the informations from Builder and set options() which we use in our stub:
        FileGet(1, text1) 'options(1) - Text
        FileGet(1, cb) 'options(2) - Label

This close the file:

This split the Textbox1:
options = Split(text1, FileSplit)

This close the file:

This says to textbox1 that the text is from options(1) which is marked as text1 string:
TextBox1.Text = options(1)

This checks did we checked the cb from builder, this is connection of the builder and stub which must be 100% same:
If options(2) = False Then
            Label2.Text = "No"
        Else : Label2.Text = "Yes"
        End If


Note: Like i said up there, please read the tutorial it will help you to learn more Smile
All things you are posting in Visual Basic section are not from you.
Please add credits :/
But thanks for posting it here ...
(04-06-2010, 09:49 AM)Julie Wrote: [ -> ]All things you are posting in Visual Basic section are not from you.
Please add credits :/
But thanks for posting it here ...
Dude he is pro in visual basic , i am sure he written it 100%. as he always gives credits
(04-06-2010, 09:49 AM)Julie Wrote: [ -> ]All things you are posting in Visual Basic section are not from you.
Please add credits :/
But thanks for posting it here ...

He did give credits. Look at the top.
(04-06-2010, 01:27 PM)iCrackz Wrote: [ -> ]He did give credits. Look at the top.
he is itself sc
Wow! Nice tutorial, i'll read everything later i don't have so much time right now but nice ^^
hmm.. niCe tutorial.. very helpful..! thanks for share!
Hang on, is the creating a key logger?
(04-07-2010, 03:30 AM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ]Hang on, is the creating a key logger?

Not exactly but this is very nice explanation that can be used in making a keylogger