I know its very easy to install it , but i can't install it successfully on my pc
Can anyone tell me step by step how do it ?
Please dont post youtube videos link , i hate them
Thanks a lot in advance
sudo apt-get install conky
Once you've installed Conky, make a config file named ".conkyrc" using this command.
Search Google for Conky scripts, or write your own if you can.
Here you can find a great list of Conky variables.
(04-06-2010, 03:34 AM)5C4RF4C3 Wrote: [ -> ]Code:
sudo apt-get install conky
Once you've installed Conky, make a config file named ".conkyrc" using this command.
Search Google for Conky scripts, or write your own if you can.
Here you can find a great list of Conky variables.
Thanks a lot for replying i will try it