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Full Version: EnviroFile Vs. Sharecash
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which one is better?
Is a new website?
I never really got into this stuff =/
They both suck.

Sharecash is only good when they decide to put up their fail-proof survey, which they removed.
what fail-proof survey?
Yeah, I hate the surveys that they provide, makes people not want to download the files for all that work.
I personally don't use either, but if I was to choose one it'd be ShareCash.
(04-05-2010, 05:46 PM)burnt Wrote: [ -> ]what fail-proof survey?

If you're on a survey for like, a minute or two, this thing pops up

"Download not working? Click HERE to fix it?"

Gives you an option of a fail proof survey. You answer like, 60 questions, but you could just put like "rjwelrkwejlrkwe" for all your questions, and they e-mail you a confirmation code. Once you enter that code in, you get the download.
ShareCash has way more money involved, but EnviroFile allows different countries. Honestly, ShareCash is better in terms because the US is the biggest downloader of things. Plus, using the fail proof survey is a very good way to download via there.
Never heard of Envirofile.
(04-05-2010, 06:20 PM)Yin Wrote: [ -> ]ShareCash has way more money involved, but EnviroFile allows different countries. Honestly, ShareCash is better in terms because the US is the biggest downloader of things. Plus, using the fail proof survey is a very good way to download via there.

Exactly as I intended and well put Yin.
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