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Full Version: EnviroFile Vs. Sharecash
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i say that sharecash is alot better then envirofile ;D
Yeah , most of the people i know/saw use sharecash.
i think envirofile is much better than sharecash
Sharecash is a lot better than envirofile in my opinion.
I thing that first one is scam...
I am sure for sharecash that is legit =D
Sharecash is the best IMO.
envirofile because it may not pay as much but it is easier to use
(04-05-2010, 05:34 PM)burnt Wrote: [ -> ]which one is better?

They both suck tbh
Both are sh!t -_-
I hate them both.
ShareCash in my opinion, because i've used/heard about them and i know their legitimate.
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