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Full Version: [TUT] How to get an IRC chatroom on your site!
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Hello, in this tutorial I will be showing you how to create a IRC Chat room for your website with a whole free online chat client included! Before continuing make sure you meet the following requirements:
  • Website that you can add pages or HTML too
Difficulty level 2/10


For your chat room we are going to be using the IRC server WyldRyde. You are going to need to have an IRC client ready to use. Here are some if popular ones: You need to connect to the following using your client:
Server --
Port -- 6667


Now that you have connected to the server I guess that you have chosen a random name. However in-order to register your own chat room you will need to create a unique name that you sign into every time you visit.
Therefore you must choose a unique name that hasn't already been registered.

Now we are going to register the name you've chosen using this command.

Command -- /msg nickserv register password email

Obviously replace password with a password (Remember it!) and email with your email (Make sure it's correct!). So for example you should of typed:
  • /msg nickserv register qwerty123

Important Note!
To log in you must use this command:
  • /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD


Now that you've registered your name, we are going to register your own channel or chat room.

Go to your chat window and type:
Command -- /join #name

You are going to replace name with the name you wish your new chat room to be. For example:
  • /join #TalkingFunForumsChat

If the chat room isn't already registered then you will enter it and you will become owner automatically. However if you leave now it will disappear, therefore we must register it.
Type the following command to register your channel:
Command -- /msg chanserv register #channel password description

Replace #channel with the name of your chat room and password with a password for your channel (Remember it!) then replace description with a brief description of your chat.

For example:
  • /msg chanserv register #TalkingFunForumsChat qwerty123 The place for chatting!

Now your channel has been successfully registered and will stay there if you leave.


Now we are going to add some bots that will allow you to customize your channel and also administrate it.

We are going to add the bot ChanBot which is the best bot for control that's used on WyldRyde.

Once you're in your channel type in the following command:
Command -- /msg botserv assign #channel botnick

Replace #channel with your channel name and botnick with ChanBot

For example:
  • /msg botserv assign #TalkingFunForumsChat ChanBot

Now the ChanBot will stay there and allow you to control your channel.


Now we are going to add the web chat to your site.

Visit the web chat creator and enter the information needed. Then copy & paste the html code anywhere you want it and you're done!

Important Links

Thanks for reading and please comment or ask for help below!
Alot of hostings ban IRC scripts and such.
It's not a script... Click the live demo it's a legit web chat that wont be blocked by a paid host.
Perhaps you could make an IRC for supportforums!?
Well that's very easy. But I'm sure Omni knows about this already.
(04-05-2010, 05:31 PM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ]Well that's very easy. But I'm sure Omni knows about this already.

I don't think Omniscient knows how to make IRC's. You could contact him and ask if you could make one for SF.
I did. However HF has one already. Thanks for your support.
(04-05-2010, 05:33 PM)Sam Wrote: [ -> ]I did. However HF has one already. Thanks for your support.

This is SF not HF.
I know but if he can do it on HF then why not SF Tongue
Hi there!

Thats a very helpful tutorial! I plan to make a password protected IRC for a training seminar. I'll post back on how it goes and will bookmark this for future reference. I thank-you. You sir saved me money.

Thanks again!
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