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Full Version: Is SF Dying?
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Is it just me or has over the last month the number of new thread & posts decreased? Especially this week there has been imho a big decline in them.

Omni is this true or is it just me? SF is a great forum and if it's dying that would be a real loss.
I don't know what the hell is wrong with SF. We picked up nicely a few months back and now we're declining once again.
Here, this should help you:
We have our ups and downs but I bet the statistics will prove that we are infact, growing more and more each day. From the time I registered up until now, Support Forums activity has risen and fallen over the months, but we've never declined to the very bottom of the chain, if you wish. We'll continue to grow and that's a fact. Omniscient knows what he's doing and when the time's right, he'll boost Support Forums activity, members and posts with all the experience and expertise he has. Right now, he has to focus more on Hack Forums which is obviously one of the main reasons Support Forums is how it is. When Hack Forums has been sold on and Omniscient has all that extra time on his hands, not dealing with Hack Forums for hours on end, he'll be able to dedicate time to Support Forums and his other projects, such as Channel Fuse and such. We just need to be patient and hope for the best.
Skill has summed it up nicely. Let's also not forget that Support Forums itself is actually fairly new, we shouldn't be going too harsh on activity at the moment. We're running just fine for how long we've been up.
My goodness does there have to be a thread about this every week?! Wait 12 months then start another thread about this and you will know the answer.
No, it isn't dying. It's just a bit slow. We must remember that Omni has many other forums to manage. I assume HF is his main concern until it is sold. Imagine trying to manage a forum as large as HF, as well as trying to promote a forum such as this one. Just give it time. The users are what make the forum popular anyway.. so get to posting ;)
Yeah, it has seemed to decline a bit. I personally haven't been posting very much as of late, because I am trying to learn programming and hacking from one of Omni's larger forums. Also, personal issues have kept me off of SF as well.
Omniscient isn't as active as before. Hence the site won't either. Its natural.
In my opinion, when HF comes to a stable state Omni will concentrate more on this forum too. I believe the decline is temporary.

Either way, I am staying until it's closed for good. Every project of Omniscient's is interesting.
Seems like it's just picked up over night, I noticed more posts today and yesterday.
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