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Wow that's great progress. I'm getting inspired to give this a try. Maybe when I got to my new computer.
How does this work for gaming, when it would usually be wasd. Do you just use the keys that are where the wasd keys are?
I think you should give it a try
Is it expensive ?
(05-11-2010, 08:15 PM)nevets04 Wrote: [ -> ]How does this work for gaming, when it would usually be wasd. Do you just use the keys that are where the wasd keys are?

No, you would still have to use WASD. It'll be messed up.
I've been using the "QWERTY" keyboard for too long and switching will probably make me type slower.
For gaming just reset to QWERTY or reassign the keys. Almost all games allow that.
i Would def wanna give it a try Big Grin
We used to sell DVORAK keyboards where I used to work, I never tried one and they certainly didn't sell well but I find the idea interesting. Can anyone say if it's easy to switch back and forth between QWERTY and DVORAK? Reason for this is if I have to use a QWERTY keyboard on other peoples computers I would need to be able to easily switch my typing style.
(05-11-2010, 11:32 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]For gaming just reset to QWERTY or reassign the keys. Almost all games allow that.

yea thats one problem, i was thinking of some way to make that more automated when reassigning keys or something changing back to qwerty would probaby be the easiest, just a pain to talk to members(i cant tye on qwerty at all but when playing a game its not like i think W to go forward, i think of the finger postion), cause switching your ctrl+c,v,x,etc keys is a pain in the ass lol.

maybe if you have a macroable keyboard just use that to toggle the keyboard layout, have it be like a gaming switch ^^
(05-11-2010, 08:57 PM)Control Wrote: [ -> ]I think you should give it a try
Is it expensive ?

its free, you just gotta change your keyboard layout in your preferences
(05-11-2010, 11:21 PM)Ionica Wrote: [ -> ]I've been using the "QWERTY" keyboard for too long and switching will probably make me type slower.

i've been using it for just over a month and already type at 65wpm, and i came from 110wpm with qwerty, soooo its never too late
I am currently looking where to buy one. The hardest thing I could see about them is if I'm on another computer and don't have the same keyboard it might be hard to go back to qwerty, but it will be very hard to switch from the keyboard style I have been using all my life and am comfortable with.
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