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What do you all think of my newest domain name?

It's okay. It's short. Decent extension. It's semi brandable.
Yes. I like the 4 character set up myself.
I thought maybe I could use it for say a
program or something.
I like it. It's easy to remember and if you wanted to sell it on, I'm sure you could get at least double your money back. I'm no professional when it comes to domains, but this one sure is a good find.
Thanks, Skill! I do really like it myself,
and I'll most likely be using it myself.
Hopefully I can sell it for more when
the time comes.
I'm glad you like it yourself. If you like it, then that's all that matters, so long as it's only being used for personal use, that is. I mean, if you got the domain or something, that would be horrible for someone to remember and nobody would visit it, tbh.

Good luck with everything. Smile
Honestly, I wouldn't buy a domain like
"", as that's just useless.
Thanks. Smile
I know, I was just using it as an example. Tongue
Pretty useless example, but hey, you know what I was getting at, right? Big Grin

You're welcome.