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Full Version: Firesale here!
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Hi Support Forums! My name is Firesale member of HF, GFX artist, College student. I look forward to being here and contributing as well as learning a thing or two!
Hey, welcome to SF Firesale. I hope you enjoy SF. Btw, since your from HF you might want to read the Site rules, they are different than HF's.
(03-06-2010, 02:02 AM)Snave Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, welcome to SF Firesale. I hope you enjoy SF. Btw, since your from HF you might want to read the Site rules, they are different than HF's.

Thanks, I have just finished reading themBlackhat
Welcome to Sf hope you have a nice stay here
Cool to have you here. What's your major in college?
(03-07-2010, 02:18 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]Cool to have you here. What's your major in college?

I am pursuing a Bachelors of science In Media Design and Development, As well as studying Computer programming next year Yeye Thanks for asking!Blackhat
Oh that's great. Hopefully you can show off some skills here.
(03-08-2010, 09:26 PM)Omniscient Wrote: [ -> ]Oh that's great. Hopefully you can show off some skills here.

I look forward to doing so! I have just posted a sig TuT I originally made for HF but I felt it was worth sharing with the members here. BTW Glad to have you as Admin here, I was let down when I found out the news with HF.
Ah there is my signature maker, Hey F1r3s4l3.