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This has been sitting in the back of my head for a while so I decided to make it. It will "clean" a file by replacing the dictionary's keys with it's values. It can be used on text files, and html files, whatever. Not really practical I just thought of it when I first started programming and didn't know how to do, but now I do Smile.
def clean(name):
        #add any curses you like, the keys represent curses, their values represent them filtered
        curses = {'crap' : 'crap', 'bitch' : 'female dog', 'fudge' : 'fudge'}

        string = ''

        file = open(name)
        reader = file.readlines()
        for x in reader:
                string = string.join(x)
        for x in curses.keys():
                if x in string:
                        string = string.replace(x, curses[x])

        file = open(name, 'w')
        print 'The file hase been successfully filtered'

if __name__ == '__main__':
        name = str(raw_input('What is the name of the file you want filtered?:'))
Wow this is actually pretty cool! I will try this out later. Thanks. Oui