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Full Version: My First 2 Forums (Review Plz)
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Got MyBB error at the, but for, the layout needed to change.. Kinda messed up.. Dark theme again.. =.='
First one is looking good and the header image is very nice but the have Errors
Error Type:
MyBB Error (40)
Error Message:
MyBB was unable to load the SQL extension. Please contact the MyBB Group for support. MyBB Website
Try to fix them is down, is pretty nice, i'd probably lift the black abit to make it into a dark grey, see how that looks.

Also MyWOT flags it as a red site?
(03-01-2010, 12:03 PM)xbiohazardx Wrote: [ -> ]So i have two very small forums I've decided to start
Is my black hat forum i decided to start for a crew i had started then i decided to make the forum public.

And due to a great deal i could get on hosting i started a white hat tech support forum

Please keep flaming to a minimum lol

You can not even access them without a username and password.
Why is it asking for a password at tech forums.
Techforums 404'd for me... as for F3, frankly it looks like you just took the idea of Hack Forums and stuck it on there, but I guess it's fine because it isn't a complete copy. Also the skin doesn't look very good and the tabs don't work.
Techforums 404 ......

Sorry, but "f47al3rr0r" is a bad name for a forum or website or whatever.... No one can visit it without bookmarking it... The name is too hard to memorize (atleast for me).. Take for instance supportforums or hackforums... Wherever I go, I just have to hit IE, and type the address in..... But if it was for "f47al3rr0r", I'll either have to go first to my email or whatever, or google maybe, get the correct spelling, and then only browze...

Sorry, thats just my opinion.....
Lolzzzz, on further exploring "f47al3rr0r", I see that your trying to imititate HF... The Tabs to the subforums, the reputation system, the award system..... I also saw, "The new IBF" with ibf's signature Blink

Also, you have a problem with your registration system I guess.. When I tried to register, I got this mail....

Quote:Carb0n F1ber,

To complete the registration process on F47AL 3RR0R, you will need to go to the URL below in your web browser.

If the above link does not work correctly, go to

You will need to enter the following:
Username: Carb0n F1ber
Activation Code:

Thank you,
F47AL 3RR0R Staff

- Notice that there is no activation code in the first link, and in the manuall process as well......
First one is good but i cannot open second one ..LINK DOWN
The first one seems quite active though Tongue
google ads on a warez site?
not a good idea at all
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