tell the truth. Straight out truth. the worst thing i did was rob a old lady so the police would come so i could see if i could get away with my parkour skills. (i did)
The worst thing I ever did was join in on making fun of a kid and eventually making him cry.(wasn't my intention)
took down 5 sites owned by the same guy to get my revenge on him for removing me for nothing and then sms bommed his phone
slapped my girl friend when we were havin sex lol.
Contributed to this thread.
No, wait, I joined SF to contribute to this thread.
Well, i did kill someone last night, but that wasn't that bad. so i would have to say i opened this thread.
Crapped on my in real life friends head and told my whole school about it.
Sorry Trav
i sPekted like a n00b on teh forumz...