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Computer Information Tutorial
By Eleqtriq

As an addition to my library of Visual Basic .NET Video Tutorials, I have created a tutorial on how to retrieve information about your own computer and display it in an application. The tutorial covers how to obtain the information and even shows you how to create a professional application to display the information. I cover six different pieces of information that can be accessed and by the end of the tutorial, you should be able to access every bit of information possible. Please interact with the video by Rating it and leaving a Comment. I want to start releasing my more advanced tutorials but I would like my channel to be a little more 'popular' before I do so.

I have created many tutorials and have hundreds more planned, so feel free to subscribe to my Youtube Channel. Please reply to this thread also with any questions, suggestions or requests.

Video URL -

This is A very Nice Video TUT...
Very nice, I used this in the program I'm making Smile
Nice tut....Thanks