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Hmm i just was wondering, how to know if is good time to create a VIP member at the forum?
It depends if you think people will be interested in paying for it. First of all, you want the members to be active. And have something that keeps bringing them back. Then obviously, you need to offer them something they want, if you want people to buy subscriber. Smile
Never on a new forum imho.
thanks for the tip.
Omniscient how u mean on new forum? How much members is good to have to start selling VIP members?
I would say 5000 members or maybe even 10,000.
On HF when did u start to sell l33t members?
I think somewhere near 20,000 members. It was may 2008.
It was long time ago.
What did u gived them for l33t member? What you did to convince them to buy l33t member? I mean some present or something like that.
l33t today gets pretty much the same as l33t got then. It's slightly different but not much.
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