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Quote:Again you view this only through your eyes.

Not every admin needs to do what I do. I'm just saying that they "should" continue to look for ways to improve their site. Recently you moved to VB...wasn't that an attempt at improvement?

Some are just more experienced and skilled at improving their site than others. That doesn't mean a good admin shouldn't take time to be an admin. If you're just visiting your site and posting are you really a good owner? Do you ignore rules, spam, and member questions? All those are forms of improvement at some basic level.

The forums that I haven't touched, some for years, are all failing and getting worse as time goes on. Example is Even with good moderation the site just continued to decline from my personal lack of involvement. I don't have one single ignored forum that has done well. All of them languish and eventually waste away.
HF has so many people that dislike it though, even though it's successful
But Omni, these websites are your career are they not? You make your living with this websites therefore years of experience is what's made you the admin your are today. Did you realize this level of administrating was needed when you started your first project?

@ Bronze,

In life there will be many people you dislike, on forums it's a lot easier to avoid communication with someone so sure it's not that big of a deal? You also need to consider the genre of the forum - "Hacking" is not going to attract the most friendly and mature people is it? However they are allot of really smart coders and programmers, that's what I like about HF.
This thread isn't the place to discuss your opinion(s) of Hackforums Smile Please take it to PMs.
It is surprising how many guests we have compared to members.

Members: 105, Guests: 832, Bots: 4, Invisible: 8
Perhaps you should make them register to view threads.
(08-25-2010, 05:28 AM)Eve Wrote: [ -> ]It is surprising how many guests we have compared to members.

Members: 105, Guests: 832, Bots: 4, Invisible: 8

That's fairly normal. HF gets 30,000 guests per day versus about 10,000 members who log in. We do have still a high bounce rate and it's something I'm working on.
Well I suppose if you're running this site just how you ran HF and we're already more popular then it's a good sign.
I like this forums and hope it does well but i'm always going to like HF more than SF cause it has so many different forums but if I need help in real life i'll probably come here as it's cleaner also I prefer the video game section here much more than the HF one for some reason.
This site does have a nice feel to it,congrats to everything
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