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Full Version: [Video Tutorial] Installing MyBB 1.6
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Okay, so here's my first "proper" video tutorial. It uses voice and everything, and nothing is wrong with it from what I saw. Smile It's a simple tut on how to isntall MyBB 1.6 onto your localhost server. Please note that I don't recommend installing it on your site just yet.. as it's still in 'beta'.


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Great video Smile
Such a real detailed video. But I just wondering, MyBB 1.6 haven't been released yet.
(02-16-2010, 10:34 PM)Dillon Wrote: [ -> ]Such a real detailed video. But I just wondering, MyBB 1.6 haven't been released yet.

Thank you very much. Smile

No, it hasn't been officially released yet. But they allow you to test it out using SVN, also known as Subversion. That's why I didn't reccomend installing it on your website or anything. Smile
The tutorial i did not follow too much. Only because i know how to install.
Rather i listened to you Trilobyte. Man that sounds gay.
Anyways yea i just listened to what you had to say and how you carried yourself in the tut.

Must admit man. Great vid. Well done. Sure a few umms but hey. I do it myself as most do.
Very cool vid man.
It would be a huge +1 rep if i had not already played havoc with your rep Smile
(02-17-2010, 01:00 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ]The tutorial i did not follow too much. Only because i know how to install.
Rather i listened to you Trilobyte. Man that sounds gay.
Anyways yea i just listened to what you had to say and how you carried yourself in the tut.

Must admit man. Great vid. Well done. Sure a few umms but hey. I do it myself as most do.
Very cool vid man.
It would be a huge +1 rep if i had not already played havoc with your rep Smile

Haha, thanks Damink. Smile

I suppose it's not too bad for being 6 o'clock in the morning, 2 hours from school that I did it in. Smile I was a bit nervous, because I didn't know what to do, and doing it a few times behind sucked really bad. So I stalled a few times.. like when it was downloading.. I thought it was going to freeze.
(02-17-2010, 02:17 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: [ -> ][yt][/yt]

Haha, nice quick video Damink. I' wish more people would do some tutorial. Lol @ the Omniscient bit. I'm wondering what'd be good to for some more tutorials at the moment, as I really wanna get some more video tuts out of the way Smile If anyone has any suggestions or requests feel free to request. Smile
Mate everyone loves vid tuts. And you have the voice for it. I do not lol.
Go for it bro. As for tuts. Well i dunno..... thats the million dollar question lol. I often think that myself.
As for the omni bit. Yea i love to hate him and he hates to love me. What can i say. We have a thing lol.