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I just realized today that I now have a new crappy facebook layout. As usual they think they are making us happy... News flash, its not working, there is many people that have created many groups to try and stop changing Facebook from changing their layout.

I wonder why they are always changing it, they have to know that people don't like it when they change it?
Yea I got the new facebook layout yesterday. I realize sometimes it doesn't notify you. I hate it, it's terrible.
It really is a waste of their time and money. They should at least notify us.
What are you talking about?!
The notifications come up on the bottom left, then the icon changes in the top left corner!
I like it to be honest, much better then the last one, save the stupid boarder running down the side.

If you give it some time, you will probably adgust to like it. It's human nature to reject new systems!
Sometimes the red notifier doesn't show, but some one commented. I experienced this with commenting on someone else's profile.
The only reason as humans we have lived (past the savanna, like homo habilas days, or is that arthipictits ramadis, i don't remember...) is because we could adapt. Don't tell me you can't deal with a small change like facebook :p

BloodFang too...I bro ...i have register now...
Kharnage, check your settings man. Once I managed to disable notifications on photos some how :S
It may be an option that has been de selected in your settings somewhere.
The "improved" facebook layout still have a lot of bugs. I hope they fix it soon.
I did that once didn't mean to. >___> If you find out how, tell me, i want to backtrack.
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