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It is defiantly worth it. There is hardly no chance of a brick with the latest softwares.
Yeh it's worth it and is this against the rules ??? says no hacking and stuff kinda like hacking i guess....
I don't think it is, because apple/ wherever you bought it doesn't warranty it after that.
Of course Jailbreaking your ipod is a good idea. Even if something does go wrong you can just restore to factory defaults and bring it back to normal. You can get any app in the world for free. You can't afford not too jail break it.
Just be careful what you do. Because if you don't know what your doing and you brick your ipod (not sure if that problem is still around) you could be all around screwed and will have lost insurance so w/o having insane google skills it could be a problem :tongue:

I say it's worth it as long as your willing to take some risks &/or know what you're doing.
Its worth it and jailbreak with blackra1n is just to easy.

Jail braking your Itouch is completely safe. Trust me theres really nothing that could go wrong. I would suggest using as this is what I use and its very easy. Pm me if you have any questions.
Lol it's worth it if u like free stuff which everyone does =]
I did and it just slowed it down be sure to make a backup in iTunes.
Jailbreak is very great but isn't always great for everyone, for example my friend owns one and he usually breaks it somehow, and jail breaking it wouldn't be the best idea!

I dont think i have broken an phone myself before, So i can go jailbreak without worrying the warranty will go void.
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