10-07-2009, 04:20 PM
[TuT]Setting Up Your Own Forum-Fast-Free-Easy[TuT]
By Vorfin
By Vorfin
- Setting It Up.
- Changing Themes.
- Making It Your Own.
Setting It Up.
1) Go to http://www.mybboard.net/ And Download the .Zip File.
2) Extract it and put the "Uplaod" File on your desktop.
3) Go to http://www.000webhost.com/ And make an account.
4) Download and Install FileZilla http://filezilla-project.org/ <The client, not the server.
5) On your Cpanel(000WebHost) Click FTP and find your information, it should look likes this.
Quote:FTP host name: vorfin.hostoi.com
FTP user name: a6266182
FTP password: *Sign Up Password*
6) Use that information on FileZilla, log in and go to the "public_html folder" Delete the .php file in there.
7) Drag the "Upload" File into "public_html folder"
8) Wait for it to copy, if any fail wait until the end and do than on their own. If you get any "Do You Want To Overwrite?" Messages, just click yes.
9) When that is all done change the chmod to 777 (Right click, File Permitions, change to 777) On the following files:
Cache/ (The Folder)
Uploads/ (The Folder)
Uploads/avatars/ (The Folder)
10) Change the chmod of "config.default.php" To 777, and also rename it to "config.php"
11) Go to www.yoursite.domain.net/install
12) The MyBB Setup screen will come up.
13) Click next until you get to "Database Configuration"
14) Now go back to your Cpanel (Don't close the page, use a new tab) And click on SQL.
15) It will look like this:
Quote:MySQL database name: a2796862_
MySQL user name: a2796862_
Password for MySQL user:
Enter password again:
16) Set it all up and remember/write down the information (Including the prefix)
17) Go back to MyBB Setup and enter the information. Click next until you get to the "Board Configuration" Page.
18) Choose your username and password (For the forums)
19) Click Finish.
20) Go back on FileZilla, and delete the "Install" Folder.
Well Done, now go to your URL and check out your forum!
Changing Themes.
Now it all looks rather plain doesn't it Don't worry, lets fix that.
1) Go to http://mods.mybboard.net/themes and pick out a nice one. You could also use http://www.mybbcentral.com/forum-5.html You have to pay for most themes there, but some are simply amazing.
2) Download a theme you like to your desktop.
3) Open FileZilla, go to your websites "Image" folder, now copy the "Images" Folder from the theme download inside The websites image folder.
4) Now inside the "Upload" Folder on your website place the .xml Folder from the theme download.
5) Go to your website and click on "AdminCP" Now go to "Templates and Styles" And click "Import a Theme"
6) Now click browse and click the .xml file.
7) Give it a name, Eg, "Blue Theme"
8) Select "Ignore Version Compatibility" And click import.
9) Now in themes you should see:
Quote:MyBB Master Style
Blue Theme
10) Now click "Options" Of the Blue Theme, and click "Set as Default"
11) Well done, your forum now looks good.
Making It Your Own.
Tip One: Rather than using www.vorfin.nesti.net Go to www.dot.tk And enter your URL, click next and enter any URL you want. Eg. Vorfin.tk
Now that will be your domain!
Tip Two: Make a banner for your website, give it the same name as the banner in the "Images" Folder, simply replace yours with the default one.
Note: You can do this with any image!
Written By Vorfin For www.SupportForums.net <-AKA, My guide, don't leach!