been looking for something like this for ages
I used C++ for dummies, and I found it really easy to understand for someone who did not know how to program
This is definitely one of the better compilations. Nice work dude. Which ebook is the best out of all of them?
thanks mate the video tutorial helped me alot and c++ looks fun
very usefull thread thanks
If i have 5 weeks break this Christmas, I swear to God i'm going to learn C/C++. I always wanted too, but there always were things in the way. Now it comes the time. Thanks for the links and everything. I will be back to have a look at them when I have some time. College is so stressing :|
Badass amount of books, should help plenty when I try to further my knowledge in c++
Wow i want to learn c++ soo bad
Nice guide, good work on this.